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Read PDF File using Protractor

Pre-requisite: To read pdf file, first we need to install pdf2json library. Step to install pdf2json Prerequisite : System should have nodejs Installed. Open COMMAND prompt and go to directory . Write npm i pdf2json  and press enter. Once library is installed you will see below screen   Below is the code which shows how to read PDF

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Advantages and disadvantages of protractor

Advantages of Protractor: Protractor runs on top of the selenium webdriver. Hence all the capabilities of webdriver are supported in protractor. It has extra locators compared to selenium webdriver those are model,repeater, binding etc. It has default waits which waits for angular which is not present in selenium webdriver. Easy to write and manage

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JMeter Installation and launch JMeter on Windows

Installation of JMeter is quite an easy process. Following are the steps to install JMeter on your system: 1. Java installation: User needs to install JVM on the machine before installation of JMeter. Here is the link from which user can download and install latest JDK. When navigated to above url, user

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Identify dynamic link or webElement using Protractor

If the text of link/webElement is continuously changing then we call it as dynamic link or web element. We have two scenarios, first scenario is text of link may completely change second scenario is text of link may partially change. If it is partially changing we can use locator partailLinkText

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Open URL in different browser using batch file.

To Launch same url in multiple browser then copy below code in notepad and save file as "launch.bat" [crayon-6768566a98a83911408289/] Double click on launch.bat file. It will open set url in internet explorer,chrome,firefox and in Microsoft EDGE. Let us know if you want more information about batch file commands.

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Focus Order test cases for Accessibility

What is Focus Order Focus order is a sequence, where user can access website element in sequential manner using keyboard. Assuming user is not in a position to use mouse then using key board tab key user can navigate through all interactive element. This "Focus Order" guideline comes under "Level A"  How to

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How to achieve Web accessibility (Development & Testing)

How to achieve Web accessibility

What is Accessibility or Web Accessibility : People with disabilities should able to easily access the web content.Implementing web accessibility will give equal opportunity and chance to people with disabilities or older people (who are facing changing abilities due to aging).In United states there is law "Americans with Disabilities Act -

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Read data from excel sheet using Katalon Studio

It it very easy to get data from excel using Katalon Studio. For Data driven test cases we need excel sheet. In this article will see how to use excel sheet in KATALON studio by using findTestData method. Select Menu File -> New -> Test Data (Katalon studio will show "New

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