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How to use properties file and xml file as object repository in selenium

Code to read data from properties and xml file in Selenium for Object Repository. How to store and read data from properties file what is properties file ? Properties file is a text file with .properties as extension where tester can store environment configuration details  like browser name,driver path ,url,userid , password that

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Automate windows application using sikuli selenium

What is sikuli Sikuli is a open source automation tool which is used to automate webelement of web application and window based pop up. To integrate sikuli with selenium download and install sikuli in your local machine To download and install sikuli follow the below steps: ->Go to google ->Search for  "Sikuli download" ->Click on the

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automate gmail login process using Selenium

Code to automate gamil login, send email and attachment. To use below code need to replace username password with actual values. Selenium code to send email using gmail by performing UI Operations. Below code will perform operations like 1) Launch chrome browser 2) Open Gmail URL 3) Enter Email ID and Password 4) Navigate to INBOX 5)

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How to execute selenium script in Brave browser

 Execute selenium script in Brave browser To download and install selenium configuration please refer link: 1.Download and install brave browser in system: ->Go to Brave browser site. ->Download Brave Browser according to your system configuration. As I have 64 bit window machine ,I will download brave browser for 64 bit. ->Install the

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Different ways to create Xpath for a single Web element

Please find list of ways by using which we can create xpath to identify WebElement in the DOM. Here we have mentioned 15 different xpath for single web element (Society Name) from https://www.societyhive.com   //input[@id='txtSocietyName'] //input[@id='txtSocietyName' and @name='societyName']  //input[@id='txtSocietyName' or @name='societyName'] ---Toggle switch //span[text()='Please enter society name']//preceding-sibling::input --------Use of text() method //span[.='Please enter society name']//preceding-sibling::input -----Functionality of

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Code to identify all web / broken links of a website

Below selenium code will be useful to identify all website links from all the pages as well as broken links. [crayon-67676f8f2886b253602254/] Output of above program after entering valid url and domain name  Link Name Internal / External Response of link http://www.mundrisoft.com/index.html internal link working 200 http://www.mundrisoft.com/ internal link working 200 http://www.mundrisoft.com/capabilities.html internal link working 200 http://www.mundrisoft.com/case-studies.html internal link working 200 Selenium Tutorial >>

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