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Test Cases for different Web Elements


1. Check whether button is properly visible and in proportion with UI
2. Verify whether size of button is as per the requirement
3. Verify color of button is as per the requirement
4. Verify text present on the button is as per the requirement
5. Verify text present on the button is visible
6. Verify text font and text color are as per the requirement
7. Verify user is able to click the button
8. On hover to button verify mouse tip is change to hand
9. On hover to button verify color of the button is changed
10. Verify user is able to perform the required function when clicked on button

1. Check whether textbox is properly visible and in proportion with UI
2. Verify whether size of the textbox is as per the requirement
3. Check whether user is able to enter text in the textbox
4. Verify text entered in the textbox is visible to user
5. Check the font size and font color of the text entered in the textbox is as per the requirement
6. Check whether textbox gives any hint/placeholder for user regarding what to enter in textbox
7. Verify if user is able to enter any type of characters required by user in the textbox
8. Verify if user can clear or delete the text written in the textbox
9. Verify textbox is able to take maximum length of text for which it is designed

1. Check whether Searchbox is properly visible and in proportion with UI
2. Verify whether size of the Searchbox is as per the requirement
3. Check whether user is able to enter required text in the searchbox
4. Verify whether searchbox is giving any auto suggestions for text to be searched
5. Check the font size and font color of the text entered in the searchbox is as per the requirement
6. Verify text entered in the searchbox is visible to user
7. Check whether searchbox gives any hint/placeholder for user regarding what to search in searchbox
8. Verify if user is able to enter any type of characters required by user in the searchbox
9. Verify if user can clear or delete the text written in the searchbox
10. Verify user is able to select any specific auto search result populated in the searchbox
11. Check whether searchbox takes maximum length of text for which it is designed

1. Check whether Radiobutton is properly visible and in proportion with UI
2. Verify whether size of the Radiobutton is as per the requirement
3. Check whether user is able to select the radiobutton
4. Verify proper description of the radiobutton is given
5. Verify font size and font color of the description
6. Verify if user selects the radiobutton and then page is refreshed then still that radiobutton is selected
7. Verify user is not able to select more than one radiobutton from one particular radiogroup
8. Verify one radiobutton does not collide with another radiobutton in the group
9. Verify if description of the radiobutton is present next to or close to that radiobutton only

1. Verify if user is able to click the link
2. Verify user is navigated to some page or desired location
3. Verify if link clicked then page opens in same tab or different tab as per the requirement
4. Verify link is visible to user and is in proportion with UI
5. Verify font color and text are as per the requirement
6. Verify text of the link is as per the requirement
7. On hover to link check mouse cursor changes from tip to hand
8. Check if mouse link is displayed on the bottom left of the browser when hovered to that link


Note : This varifcation of web elements are applicable only for webpages viewed on desktop and laptop browsers.

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