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AZURE COGNITIVE SEARCH: Create Index through Postman

An index is the primary means of organizing and searching documents in Azure Cognitive Search, similar to how a table organizes records in a database. An index is defined by a schema and saved to the search service. Method: POST URL: https://[name of the search service].search.windows.net/indexes?api-version=[api version] Authorization: Type – API Key Vale- [Value of

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To begin with Azure Cognitive Search, first we need to create an azure cognitive search service through portal and also keep the API Keys in hand as both the name of the search service and primary api key are required for every api calls through postman. Creating datasource is one

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Backup and restore SQL Database to Azure Blob Storage Service in C#

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage is a scalable, online cloud data storage service that stores data blobs in containers. This article helps you understand how to write backups to and restore from the Azure Blob Storage Service and to do so we will create an Azure Blob Container, credentials for accessing the

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How to Schedule Jobs in Windows Azure Worker Roles

The following is an example that demonstrates how I was able to successfully schedule jobs. Start by implementing the IJob interface to create a job that can be managed by Quartz.Net. [crayon-67e77e49eec25402398159/] Then in the RoleEntryPoint OnStart() method create and configure the scheduler with a trigger and the daily job. This is the part that was greatly lacking in

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