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Google Analytics Custom Dimension and Metrics Scope

This post was most recently updated on December 28th, 2016

Custom Dimension and Metrics when created need a scope selected, what do these scope mean?


As these are custom dimensions, dimension scope can be used according to your requirement. For example for User Name, User Session, Product view(in an E-commerce site), etc.

  1. Custom Dimensions:
    1. Hit: can be a hit, pageview, event, transaction or item
    2. Session: values are applied to hits in the current session until session exists
    3. User: applied to the user logged in currently until its value changes


    2. Custom Metrics:

            1. Hit: By default pageviews are considered hits

            2. Product: The Product scope is for Custom Dimensions involved in new Enhanced eCommerce feature.

For Custom Metrics formatting type can be ‘integer’, ‘currency’, ‘time’, according to your requirement. It is datatype of metric that you are going to store


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