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Test bulk urls using Excel VBA macro

To verify page load errors, specific text for thousands of web page it is possible using simple excel Macro.  To perform testing on thousands of URL we can easily use below macro code to verify page load error 404, verification of specific text or any other data validation requirment. [crayon-67b8c47edbeba497338779/]   >> Manual Testing

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Tester role in Agile methodology

What is testing in an agile process? A software testing process that takes place in the agile software life cycle is known as Agile testing.The testing process in agile methodology is a continuous testing process. The development and Testing goes hand in hand in Agile methodology.The Testing start as soon as the project starts

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Write xpath using text and text functions in selenium?

Write Xpath using element text and string functions. Information for this section  Symbols used while Xpath creation ./ (period symbol and forward slash)      → Current element /* (forward slash and asterisk symbol)   → All child element of current element .. (double period symbol)                          → Immediate parent

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Write xpath using attribute and tag name in Selenium

Xpath Basic Information Xpath is a language and used to find targeted web element within html document. Types of Xpath Absolute Xpath: Path from root element to targeted element without missing any elements in between. Absolute xpath could be form by using '/' (single forward slash) and '[index]' (square bracket with index). Example: To locate <input>

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Compare images using Java

This code will compare pixel from base image with other image. If both pixel at location (x,y) are same then add same pixel in result image without change. Otherwise it modifies that pixel and add to our result image. In case of baseline image height or width is larger than other image

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Code to locate element by Name using Selenium Webdriver

Locator Type: Name  Name attribute is unique throughout html document except checkbox and radio button.  Name attribute is not unique if multiple radio button and checkboxes used with same name.  Name attribute used with iframe which can be used to switch driver from current web page to iframe by using name.  Java code to

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Code to Handle alert, window and iframe in Selenium

SwitchTo() Functions are used to handle alert, browser window and iframe. driver.switchTo() functions are used to handle alert window, new tab or new window in browser and iframe within html document.  Refer below table for switchTo functions and their uses: switchTo functions  Uses driver.switchTo().frame(index); Switch focus to iframe element using index of iframe in html document. driver.switchTo().frame("iframe_name"); Switch

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