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Array functions in javascript

Javascript array functions 1. toString() - convert array to string [crayon-679c9e1b6331b494437530/] 2. pop() - remove/delete last element from an array [crayon-679c9e1b63322876750394/] 3. push() - add/insert element at the top [crayon-679c9e1b63325100825465/] 4. shift() - remove/delete first element from an array [crayon-679c9e1b63328150696755/] 5. unshift() - add/insert element at first position [crayon-679c9e1b6332a558836037/] 6. concat() - merged(concat) existing array and create new array [crayon-679c9e1b6332d916962579/] 7. slice() -

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