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Backup and restore SQL Database to Azure Blob Storage Service in C#

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage is a scalable, online cloud data storage service that stores data blobs in containers. This article helps you understand how to write backups to and restore from the Azure Blob Storage Service and to do so we will create an Azure Blob Container, credentials for accessing the

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Interface in C#

An interface is a contract contains methods, properties, events and indexers. A class or structure that implements the interface must implement all the members of the interface. The interface defines ‘what’ part of the contract and classes or structure that implements the interface defines ‘how’ part of the contract. Methods, properties,

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How to import data from MS Excel

If you have data in excel and you want to add data in you database using C# this is useful example. Follow below steps: Step 1: Create database tables to import data [crayon-67b4a3c118bed577247120/] Step 2: Add below namespaces in your project [crayon-67b4a3c118bf2698336144/] Step 3:  Add below method and send file path to this method as parameters. [crayon-67b4a3c118bf5665154689/]  This method get file path

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