This post was most recently updated on March 15th, 2016
HandleError Attribute
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</system.web> ... <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="Error.htm"/> </system.web> |
HandleError Attribute at Action Method Level
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[HandleError(ExceptionType = typeof(System.Data.DataException), View = "DatabaseError")] public ActionResult Index(int id) { var db = new MyDataContext(); return View("Index", db.Categories.Single(x => x.Id == id)); } |
HandleError Attribute at Controller Level
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[HandleError(ExceptionType = typeof(System.Data.DataException), View = "DatabaseError")] public class HomeController : Controller { /* Controller Actions with HandleError applied to them */ } |
HandleError Attribute at Global Level
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public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) { filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute { ExceptionType = typeof(System.Data.DataException), View = "DatabaseError" }); filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute()); //by default added } |
Extending HandleError Filter for logging and handling more errors
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public class CustomHandleErrorAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute { public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) { if (filterContext.ExceptionHandled || !filterContext.HttpContext.IsCustomErrorEnabled) { return; } if (new HttpException(null, filterContext.Exception).GetHttpCode() != 500) { return; } if (!ExceptionType.IsInstanceOfType(filterContext.Exception)) { return; } // if the request is AJAX return JSON else view. if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers["X-Requested-With"] == "XMLHttpRequest") { filterContext.Result = new JsonResult { JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet, Data = new { error = true, message = filterContext.Exception.Message } }; } else { var controllerName = (string)filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"]; var actionName = (string)filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"]; var model = new HandleErrorInfo(filterContext.Exception, controllerName, actionName); filterContext.Result = new ViewResult { ViewName = View, MasterName = Master, ViewData = new ViewDataDictionary(model), TempData = filterContext.Controller.TempData }; } // log the error by using your own method LogError(filterContext.Exception.Message, filterContext.Exception); filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true; filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Clear(); filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500; filterContext.HttpContext.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; } } |