How to get all disable-enabled trigger from database
just we need to fire a query [crayon-67e78a5f8cfc6581846661/]
Read morejust we need to fire a query [crayon-67e78a5f8cfc6581846661/]
Read moreJoin is the most easiest thing that could ever happen to a table, may it be a horizontal or a vertical join. Though the word vertical is not common in terms of joins but it is a common type of join that is applied in day to day SQL queries. A horizontal
Read moreIn SQL, NULL approximately represents an unknown value.An arithmetic operation involving a NULL returns NULL. For example, NULL minus NULL yields NULL, not zero and NULL plus NULL is NULL as well.A boolean comparison between two values involving a NULL returns neither true nor false, but unknown in SQL's three-valued
Read moreKeys are generally properties applied to a column of a database table that signify it's worth in that table. Following keys will help you understand the similarities and differences in the various column key options presented by MS SQL Server. In simple words, key in database is something that can
Read moreIndexing in SQL is a simple topic when it comes to discussion with an SQL Expert, but over the past 10 years as a developer, I have seen people with good knowledge and experience fail to portray the primary meaning of indexes and their types. Indexes help in retrieving data faster
Read moreWhile working with dynamic queries or otherwise when we are not sure of the number of columns that will be returned from the query or simply due to laziness for typing the entire column name we can use the index of the column by whom we want our result set
Read moreIntroduced in SQL Server 2008, The SPARSE column is better at managing database size when null values are a plenty in that particular column.To declare a particular column as sparse we have to simply specify the keyword 'sparse' after declaring the column name and the data type. Please refer to the below
Read moreSQL - Structured Query Language is further categorized on the basis of various commands and functionality types done by a particular set of keywords and the overall impact on a particular set of database objects. They are as follows:DDL - Data Definition LanguageDML - Data Manipulation LanguageDCL - Data Control
Read moreJSON is a data-interchange format that is both Human and Machine readable. It is easy for developers to interpret and pinpoint the issues, if any, during debugging when working with JSON. If the data is sent from our database to the application in JSON format. It will definitely make developers life
Read moreEver wondered why it takes so much time to get the count of rows in an SQL table with millions of records? In case when the table is large and fragmented the 'select count(*) from large_table_name' may take seconds to minutes to return an output. Re-indexing can also take up considerable
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