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Difference between build, Rebuild and Clean Solution.

Build solution menu: - This will perform an incremental build. In other words it will only build code files which have changed. If they have not changed those files will not touched.  Rebuild solution menu: - This will delete all current compiled files (i.e. exe and dll's) and will build everything

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Lazy loading in entity framework

One of the biggest issue when we use entity framework that is when we request for one single table you will get all related tables in table object. for example: [crayon-67b9131309875880479596/]  in above code you will get all related tables in company object. We can avoid this using Lazy loading. for example: [crayon-67b913130987c570730219/]  in this case you can get only

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How to get notification from database when any transaction on records?

Technologies Used: Visual Studio 2013 Express Sql Server 2008 R2 Express MVC 5 Nuget SqlDependency MSDN SignalR 2.0.1 Nuget Jquery 2.0.3 Nuget Toast Notifications Script to Create Broker & Service: create a user called "GeneralUser" with a password of "dbpassword" in your SQl Server logins. Run the following script in a Sql query pane, to create a message broker\service for

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How to import data from MS Excel

If you have data in excel and you want to add data in you database using C# this is useful example. Follow below steps: Step 1: Create database tables to import data [crayon-67b9131309fba013524758/] Step 2: Add below namespaces in your project [crayon-67b9131309fbf664172028/] Step 3:  Add below method and send file path to this method as parameters. [crayon-67b9131309fc1684498066/]  This method get file path

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