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Handling Popups using protractor

Identify or handle javascript popup/alert using protractor in automation. Javascript popup cannot be inspected. We don't get html for javascript popup. So we cannot find element and it is not possible to perform operation based on web element. There are different types of java script popups. Those are Simple alert, Confirmation

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Protractor is better than Selenium for Angular Applications.

The selection between selenium or protractor is based on what type of web application we are automating. If your application is angular based then it is feasible to select protractor. In this post you will learn why to use protractor for web based application. Protractor runs on top of selenium webdriver

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Advantages and disadvantages of protractor

Advantages of Protractor: Protractor runs on top of the selenium webdriver. Hence all the capabilities of webdriver are supported in protractor. It has extra locators compared to selenium webdriver those are model,repeater, binding etc. It has default waits which waits for angular which is not present in selenium webdriver. Easy to write and manage

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Protractor locators

Protractor locators: Protractor is wrapper of Selenium Javascript Webdriver. All the locators of selenium webdriver is supported in protractor along with these locators protractor supports angularJS specific attributes ng-model, ng-repeat, ng-options, ng-binding. Here are the list of locators supported by protractor: buttonText partialButtonText binding exactBinding model cssContainingText options deepCss repeater exactRepeater className css id linkText js name partialLinkText tagName Xpath Syntax of Model locator: element(by.model('modelName')); Syntax of binding locator: element(by.binding('bindingName')); Syntax of repeater locator: element.all(by.repeater('RepeaterName')).get(index); Above syntax in

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Identify dynamic link or webElement using Protractor

If the text of link/webElement is continuously changing then we call it as dynamic link or web element. We have two scenarios, first scenario is text of link may completely change second scenario is text of link may partially change. If it is partially changing we can use locator partailLinkText

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