2019 Top 5 Automation Testing tool comparison with features, attributes etc.
- Selenium
- Katalon Studio
- Unified Functional Testing (UFT)
- Watir
- Ranorex
- Launch Date OR First Release Date
- Selenium → Developed by Jason Huggins in 2004
- Katalon Studio → September 2016
- UFT→ In Year 2001
- Watir→ October 2012
- Ranorex→ September 2007
- Supported Operating Systems
- Selenium → Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, Linux.
- Katalon Studio → Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, Linux(Console Mode).
- UFT→Microsoft Windows
- Watir→Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, Linux.
- Ranorex→Microsoft Windows.
- Supported Scripting Language
- Selenium → C#, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby
- Katalon Studio → Java, Groovy.
- UFT→ VBScript
- Watir→ Ruby.
- Ranorex→C#, Visual Basic
- License
- Selenium → Open Source
- Katalon Studio → Proprietary – Free.
- UFT→Proprietary software
- Watir→ Open Source
- Ranorex→ Proprietary software
- Supported Browsers
- Selenium → Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer,Safari Driver, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera.
- Katalon Studio → Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer,Safari Driver, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera.
- UFT→ Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer,Safari Driver, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari.
- Watir→ Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer,Safari Driver, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari.
- Ranorex→ Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Chromium.
- Mobile Testing Support
- Selenium → Windows Phone, BlackBerry 10, Selendroid (For android) , ios_driver (or iOS).
- Katalon Studio →Android, iOS
- UFT→ Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, RT, 8, Mobile, Compact Embedded
- Watir→ Android, iOS.
- Ranorex→ Android, iOS.
- Desktop Testing Support
- Selenium → Using Winium.Desktop driver on windows
- Katalon Studio → Not supported
- UFT→ Supported for windows application
- Watir→ Not supported.
- Ranorex→ Supported for windows application
- Components
- Selenium → Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium Webdriver, Selenium Grid
- Katalon Studio → Katalon Studio and Katalon Analytics.
- Watir→ Watir.
- Ranorex→ Ranorex Studio, Ranorex Webtestit, Ranorex Selocity.
- Script Recording
- Selenium → Supported in Selenium IDE only.
- Katalon Studio →Script Recording supported.
- UFT→Script Recording supported.
- Watir→ Not supported.
- Ranorex→ Script Recording supported.
- Cross-browser Testing
- Selenium → Supported in Selenium using Selenium Grid.
- Katalon Studio → Supported in Katalon Studio.
- UFT→ Yes.
- Watir→ Supported.
- Ranorex→ Supported.
- Testing Types
- Selenium → Regression Testing, Responsive Testing, Sanity Testing, Smoke Testing, GUI testing and Functional Testing,
- Katalon Studio → Regression Testing, Responsive Testing, Sanity Testing, Smoke Testing, GUI testing, Functional Testing and API Testing
- UFT→ GUI testing, Functional Testing, API Testing and Business Process Testing.
- Watir→ Regression Testing, Responsive Testing, Sanity Testing, Smoke Testing, GUI testing and Functional Testing.
- Ranorex→ Functional Testing, GUI Testing, Regression Testing and Black Box Testing.
- Test Automation Framework
- Selenium → POM model, Data Driven, Keyword driven and Hybrid Automation Framework.
- Katalon Studio →POM model, Data Driven, Keyword driven and Hybrid Automation Framework.
- UFT→ POM model, Data Driven, Keyword driven and Hybrid Automation Framework.
- Watir→ POM model, Data Driven, Keyword driven and Hybrid Automation Framework.
- Ranorex→ POM model, Data Driven, Keyword driven and Hybrid Automation Framework.
- Integration with CI and Bug Tracker Tools
- Selenium → It Supports integration with Jenkins.
- Katalon Studio → It Supports integration with Jenkins and JIRA.
- UFT→ It Supports integration with Jenkins.
- Watir→ It Supports integration with Jenkins.
- Ranorex→ It Supports integration with Jenkins.
- Report generation
- Selenium → To generate Html report we need to use TestNG framework, Email-able Html report and TestNG Reports could be customized.
- Katalon Studio → It Supports Advanced logging, debug data, screenshots, and videos. It also generates advanced report using Katalon Analytics.
- UFT→ It supports HTML report generation.
- Watir→ It supports HTML report generation.
- Ranorex→ Support report conversion to PDF format.