
Jay Kinker
Outsourcing has a long history that can be traced back to the 1950s wherein new economic strategies led to the search for cost-effective solutions. In beginning, outsourcing to third parties was limited to non-core functions alone. Over time, it has now extended to highly secure outsourcing processes that can even handle the core requirements. According...
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“Accelerating your go-to-market strategy and maximizing ROI by serving omnichannel content with a Headless CMS” When you circle around choosing a Headless CMS, the options and combinations available out there might seem overwhelming. On the technical side, the development team needs to choose a CMS that fits into their technology stack, enabling them to work...
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One of the pillars of agile ways of working is team collocation. Study after study shows that teams that work together in the same place report higher productivity and effectiveness and better decision making. So, what happens when a disruption such as coronavirus renders collocation inadvisable if not impossible? Can team members working in remote...
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Many enterprises must work with cross cultural teams across geographies in a distributed development environment.
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For many the word outsourcing has a very negative connotation. When they think of outsourcing, they picture underage employees in third world countries working for salaries, which would be worthless by first world standards. Some also feel it’s taking away local jobs. However, outsourcing has evolved so much and no longer resembles this stereotype. Outsourcing...
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Outsourcing is nothing less than a balancing act. Yes, the same balancing acts we see in circuses when the gymnasts walk along a wire, depending on a pole for their straight balance or their deadly fall. You can re-imagine outsourcing like that. Only, the following are the pole, the rope and the gymnast itself: Right...
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Busting the Myth: The model comparison. My teams have been involved in IT outsourcing for a while now (over a decade!). Like every business owner, even I fall into the cliché of being successful without consuming the least possible resources. Having a reverence of experience with the most versatile technologies because I had the privilege...
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