
Remote Workforce Management
Hybrid workplace challenges
We all know a product manager occupies a unique role in a company’s product development process. They are responsible for developing products and services that meet the needs of customers. This includes various skills and tasks, such as analysis of product competition, analysis of proposed products, research, inventory control, forecasting, strategy, and marketing the product...
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With the onset of a global pandemic that brought about unprecedented change, many companies are looking at ways to augment their software development activities to keep up with the accelerated pace of digital transformation. While offshoring has been around for a while, it has resurged as a strategic move to match today’s fast-paced business landscape....
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What is a Blended Workforce? How Businesses should prepare? In business, change is often the directive of market fluctuations, competition and as we have seen over the past year unforeseen situations. With global businesses moving towards remote working, scale downs, cost cuttings and many other shifts, the dearth of people with the right skill sets...
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A year of change is what 2020 has been for organizations far and wide. Not only have the work models changed but the entire strategy towards interactions, engagements and appraisals have changed too. According to PwC’s US Remote Work Survey, “over 55% would prefer to be remote at least three days a week once pandemic concerns recede, and  68%...
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One of the pillars of agile ways of working is team collocation. Study after study shows that teams that work together in the same place report higher productivity and effectiveness and better decision making. So, what happens when a disruption such as coronavirus renders collocation inadvisable if not impossible? Can team members working in remote...
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Many enterprises must work with cross cultural teams across geographies in a distributed development environment.
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