CEO’s Guide To Offshoring

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The CEO’s Guide to Offshoring eBook is designed to deliver insights to CEO’s and business leaders on how they can build a winning offshore strategy.

It will guide readers on how to get offshoring right to meet the increasing demand for faster IT delivery.

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    What you will learn?

    Key Takeaways

    For organizations new to the concept of offshoring, the questions often are on how to get started, how to find the right offshore partner and how to get the whole offshoring process right. In this eBook we will cover all of this and more.

    • Basics of Offshoring
    • How to get started?
    • Most Common Pitfalls
    • Tips for Successful Offshoring
    • Lessons from High Growth Companies
    • Choosing the Right Offshoring Partner

    Helping Companies Worldwide Scale and Transform